Our Policies
An overview of student policies and procedures.

CMA Student Check-In Procedure
Through our online student attendance system, Crescendo staff can see at a glance which students are currently on campus. When students arrive to class, they must check-in with their Teacher, at each class. Students may not check-in more than 5 minutes early to class.
Student Drop-off and Pick-up Policy
All classes are held in the smaller Youth Group building, across the parking lot from the Main Building. Parents may drop-off and pick-up students at the door to either Studio A (West side) or Studio B (East side).
At the conclusion of each class, the teacher will permit parent pick-up ONLY for parents who are recognized by the teacher, or who have a Parent Badge. Parent Badges may be obtained by contacting CMA’s Admin Assistant, or by informing the Welcome Center attendant. Any students remaining 5 minutes after the end of class will be walked to the Main Lobby to be picked up by an adult with a Parent Badge.
NO STUDENT WILL BE RELEASED to any adult unless that adult has a Parent Badge, or the teacher or staff recognizes the adult as a parent or family member.
Please Keep in Mind the Following
- Parents may wait in their car, or in the lobby of the Main Building. Parents are not permitted to sit in the group classes more than one time with teacher permission.
- CMA is not responsible for students after teacher takes them to the Main Building lobby. Teacher responsibility for students is only during class time, and Hopelight Staff in general are not responsible for students.
- Please drop-off and pick-up your students in a timely manner. Consistent parent tardiness may result in student being dismissed from the class/lesson.
Restroom policy
Restrooms are only available in the Main Building. Please make effort to avoid trips to the restroom during class time. If a student absolutely must go to the restroom, the teacher will call the Admin Assistant to accompany the student while crossing the parking lot.
Admin Assistant will wait outside the restroom and accompany the student back to class.
If restroom usage is excessive (as deemed by the teacher), you will be contacted to discuss options for the future.
Attendance Policy
Progress in group classes depends on weekly attendance at the class. Our waitlist system necessitates that CMA keeps track of open spots in each class. CMA will release a student’s spot to the first person on that class’s waitlist under the following conditions.
- If student misses a single class, the teacher will mark student “absent” in MyMusicStaff. If parent notifies CMA office of the reason for the absence, no further action will be taken.
- If student misses a second class, and the parent has not contacted the office, CMA’s Admin Assistant will call parent to verify student’s continued participation.
- Student will be un-enrolled, and their spot will be released to waitlist students after the second absence unless parent confirms continuing participation.
Dismissal Policy
Class participation is essential to the maintaining a positive environment and ensuring progress can be made during the class. Student will be dismissed from the class under the following conditions.
1. If student is unruly, disruptive, or exhibits bad behavior (at the teacher’s discretion), student will be asked to sit off to the side of the class without participating. After the class, the teacher will inform parent of what occurred during the class and email the CMA office.
2. At the second occurrence of bad behavior, student will be dismissed from the class and student’s spot will be released to the waitlist students.
3. Teachers are only responsible for Students during class hours and while student remains in the classroom. If student leaves the classroom, CMA assumes no responsibility for student. Teacher may request CMA office assistance with bathroom breaks if necessary.
Unenrolling from Crescendo Club Group Classes
- The parent must notify the CMA office that the student is unenrolling. The unenrollment date will be the day the notification is received.
- Crescendo Club is a monthly membership, charged per student. The charge will be added to the family account if at least one class was attended during the calendar month. Tuition must be paid once student attends the first class of the month.
- To unenroll, Family Account must be fully paid with a zero balance, including any Crescendo Club membership charges, loan item lost fees, or any other charges.
Cancellation Policy
- In general, CMA follows the SVVSD school calendar regarding weather closings and Holidays.
- Group classes will still be held on SVVSD non-student contact / teacher in-service days. Private Lessons are always scheduled directly with teacher.
- For absences with 24 hours or more notice, Private Lessons may generally be cancelled or given a make-up credit (at teacher’s discretion).
- Missed or Cancelled Crescendo Club group classes are never made up.
- Within 24 hours, if parent contacts CMA office to cancel the Private Lesson it may or may not be made up, at teacher discretion.
- If no notice is given, or notice is less than 24 hours: The Private Lesson may be made up (at teacher discretion) after the first occurrence but will not be made up at the second or further occurrence.
- After 2 missed Private Lessons with no notice given, the student will be dismissed from lessons
- Emergency exceptions to this policy include serious sickness, family emergency, or weather-related cancellations.
Paying Tuition at CMA
Parents are emailed an invoice showing all upcoming charges for the next calendar month. The invoice is due by the 7th day of the calendar month. The invoice is emailed 7 days prior to the first of the month.
Parents may pay invoices with any of the following methods:
· Click the “Click here to pay online” button in your invoice (Preferred method)
· Pay in person at our Welcome Center desk. We accept cash, check, credit, or debit card.
· If parent so desires, we can set up automatic recurring payments (“Auto Pay”) on a credit or debit card. This is handled through our secure payment method, and parents can see all transaction through the Family Account online.
Please Keep in Mind
1. You will be billed monthly for each Crescendo Club group you are enrolled in.
2. If payment is not received by the 7th day of the calendar month, you will be charged a $10.00 late fee.
3. If payment is not received by the 15th day of the calendar month, Student will be unenrolled from classes.
4. Payment plans may be arranged by speaking with the Director.
5. Scholarship opportunities are available on a limited basis.
6. Mentorship arrangements are by invitation only.
Media Release
CMA assumes the right to publish photos and video of all students, families, and event participants on our website, brochures, and any other advertising venues. When published, names will not be used unless specific permission is granted by the Parent/Guardian.
You may opt out of this permission by notifying the CMA office, or on your registration form each semester.
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